Botanicals encompass all that grows upon and within the earth.
Who knows and loves the sun, who receives the light and even transforms it.
Botanicals are trees, herbs, and foods.
Who knows and loves the sun, who receives the light and even transforms it.
Botanicals are trees, herbs, and foods.
Botanical Index
Aloe - Angelica - Burdock - Calendula - Chaste Tree (Vitex) - Citrus - Chicory - Cleavers - Clover - Dandelion - Goldenrod - Gotu Kola - Hawthorn - Indian Warrior - Juniper - Linden - Parsley - Pine - Pipsissewa - Manzanita - Miner's Lettuce - Motherwort - Mugwort - Mullein - Nettle - Raspberry - Rose - Saw Palmetto - Skullcap - St John's Wort - Thimbleberry - Yarrow
The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.
(John Muir)
(John Muir)
Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.
(Theodore Roethke)
(Theodore Roethke)
For every human illness, somewhere in the world exists a plant for which there is a cure.
(Rudolf Steiner)
(Rudolf Steiner)
The secrets are in the plants. To elicit them you have to love them enough.
(George Washington Carver)
(George Washington Carver)