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What is Iridology - Iridology Resources -Iridology Services - Reading the Iris - Iridology Brain Zones - The Eyes Do Change
Reading the Iris
The Iris gives us insight into our constitutional inheritance. When we become aware of our weaknesses and our strengths, we live in a conscious state of responsibility for our own lives and wellbeing, achieving optimum health in daily life while preventing chronic illness. (Farida Sharan)
All information in the iris can be seen as a gift. All traits have positive attributes. They are not just problems to be coped with; they are pointers to how we can grow and change. They are there to facilitate a long-term evolution of consciousness. (Denny Johnson)
Let me inspire you with the feelings I experience every time I look at an iris: awe at the complexity; astonishment at the simplicity; and a humble awareness of the proud individuality of each one of us. There is nothing so personally your own as your irises and the story they tell. (Dorothy Hall)
In Life, mirrored in the Iris, often you will find your greatest weakness to be your greatest strength.
Iris Constitution
The density of the trabeculae or iris fibers has great meaning for the iridologist, with references to determining inherent strengths and weaknesses of the body. Different densities, of course, may be found in the same iris. We associate fine iris structure with inherent strength and course iris structure with inherent weakness. (Bernard Jensen)
The density of the trabeculae or iris fibers has great meaning for the iridologist, with references to determining inherent strengths and weaknesses of the body. Different densities, of course, may be found in the same iris. We associate fine iris structure with inherent strength and course iris structure with inherent weakness. (Bernard Jensen)
Tight, evenly distributed trabeculae (iris fibers) indicate a strong and vital genetic heritage; a body able to resist illness and disease, a person who rarely gets sick and when so, recovers quickly. Strong physical constitutions often indicate strength of mind, sharper and more direct personality traits; while also showing a tendency towards perfectionism and high expectations of oneself and others. Strong constitutional types often push themselves to the limit, ignoring their body’s signals to slow down, relying on their inherent strength to go, go, go, often not taking the time to unwind, relax, and simply enjoy life. Because they can go for years, often an entire lifetime of pushing themselves and ignoring the body’s messages to rest, they often develop sudden dis-ease or collapse with little to no warning. While structural strength is always a blessing, it also requires balancing with emotional sensitivity and social skills; essential is the ability to know when to stop pushing and balance work with quality family time, exercise, creativity, and play.
While straight even fibers indicate constitutional strength, the open, loosely woven trabecula indicate a more delicate physical structure, more susceptible to illness, with a longer recovery. Open to the energies of people and situations, this type is quite often picking up and filtering others emotions, consequently becoming depleted and overwhelmed. The benefit for those with this iris type is they tend to take better care of themselves, knowing when and how to rest and nurture themselves, because they must. Those with this type of iris structure tend to maintain a freer and easy-going temperament - more artistic in nature, free flowing through life, forgiving of themselves and others. This person benefits from establishing a healthy daily routine that includes attention to personal boundaries, wellbeing, and self-care.
While most irises exhibit a strong leaning toward one constitutional type over another, no iris is exactly alike, and all irises have variations of constitutional strengths and weaknesses.
While straight even fibers indicate constitutional strength, the open, loosely woven trabecula indicate a more delicate physical structure, more susceptible to illness, with a longer recovery. Open to the energies of people and situations, this type is quite often picking up and filtering others emotions, consequently becoming depleted and overwhelmed. The benefit for those with this iris type is they tend to take better care of themselves, knowing when and how to rest and nurture themselves, because they must. Those with this type of iris structure tend to maintain a freer and easy-going temperament - more artistic in nature, free flowing through life, forgiving of themselves and others. This person benefits from establishing a healthy daily routine that includes attention to personal boundaries, wellbeing, and self-care.
While most irises exhibit a strong leaning toward one constitutional type over another, no iris is exactly alike, and all irises have variations of constitutional strengths and weaknesses.
Lesions, Lacunae, and Crypts
Lesions, Lacunae, and Crypts
These are the iris signs that represent acquired or inherited weaknesses in the body. They can be recognized by their shapes, although they vary in size and degree of darkness. Lesions are open-ended “holes” enclosed on three sides by trabeculae (iris fibers). The open-ended nature of a lesion indicates that metabolic activities are still taking place although at a reduced rate. Lacunae are clustered lesions (two or more) closed at both ends. Crypts are small, closed single lesions, usually very dark. Both lacunae and crypts indicate encapsulated areas of toxic material in which metabolic function has apparently ceased. (Jensen)
Lacuna are genetic structural markings formed of raised, expanded and open iris fibers that reveal the quality of the connective tissue. Lacuna indicate genetically weaker tissues where the bodies strength may not be sufficient to maintain normal blood and lymph flow. Toxins collect and it becomes more difficult to nourish the area. Physically weaker areas are the first to signal discomfort or malfunction. German Iridologists consider lacuna as precancerous signs because of tissue weakness. Usually found in significant body, organs and gland iris areas, lacuna indicate a potential for organ insufficiency whenever stress, fatigue, acute conditions or aging are a consideration. Increasing toxicity in the inner ecology influences and determines further deterioration of toxic lacuna. (Sharan)
These are the iris signs that represent acquired or inherited weaknesses in the body. They can be recognized by their shapes, although they vary in size and degree of darkness. Lesions are open-ended “holes” enclosed on three sides by trabeculae (iris fibers). The open-ended nature of a lesion indicates that metabolic activities are still taking place although at a reduced rate. Lacunae are clustered lesions (two or more) closed at both ends. Crypts are small, closed single lesions, usually very dark. Both lacunae and crypts indicate encapsulated areas of toxic material in which metabolic function has apparently ceased. (Jensen)
Lacuna are genetic structural markings formed of raised, expanded and open iris fibers that reveal the quality of the connective tissue. Lacuna indicate genetically weaker tissues where the bodies strength may not be sufficient to maintain normal blood and lymph flow. Toxins collect and it becomes more difficult to nourish the area. Physically weaker areas are the first to signal discomfort or malfunction. German Iridologists consider lacuna as precancerous signs because of tissue weakness. Usually found in significant body, organs and gland iris areas, lacuna indicate a potential for organ insufficiency whenever stress, fatigue, acute conditions or aging are a consideration. Increasing toxicity in the inner ecology influences and determines further deterioration of toxic lacuna. (Sharan)
Radii Solaris

Radii Solaris - Solar Rays
Like the sun's rays or spokes of a wheel, these iris markings originate in the intestinal tract and radiate outward toward the rim of the iris. This is a sign of a toxic or slow moving bowel. Their shape results from a separation of the top layers of iris fibers, lending them an appearance like that of troughs. Radii solaris are usually heaviest in the transverse colon and radiate into the upper regions of the iris, the brain area. Other organs through which the radii solaris pass indicate the spread of toxic material from the bowel to those particular organs, and as they increase in number and darken in color, an increasing toxic accumulation is indicated.
The presence of radii solaris shows a need for cleansing and detoxifying the bowel and may also indicate a tissue condition conducive to parasitic invasion. (Jensen)
In the Iris of a healthy person, Radii Solaris appear empty, like furrows. When the inner ecology is toxic, the Radii Solaris appear dark. They extend, in variations, from the Pupil through the Iris Digestive System and/or the Autonomic Nerve Wreath in all directions. On an energetic level they represent positive goal-oriented expansion, the opposite of the contracting energetics of Nerve Rings. When negative, Radii Solaris are associated with toxins on the physical level, and self-destructive attitudes on the mental and emotional level. They are referred to as the Crown of Thorns when they radiate from the transverse colon into the Brain Zones.
According the Joseph Deck, Radii Solaris are genetic and non-reversable. However, they alter in appearance during purification and regeneration, as dark Radii solaris clear and appear like an empty furrow. (Sharan)
Like the sun's rays or spokes of a wheel, these iris markings originate in the intestinal tract and radiate outward toward the rim of the iris. This is a sign of a toxic or slow moving bowel. Their shape results from a separation of the top layers of iris fibers, lending them an appearance like that of troughs. Radii solaris are usually heaviest in the transverse colon and radiate into the upper regions of the iris, the brain area. Other organs through which the radii solaris pass indicate the spread of toxic material from the bowel to those particular organs, and as they increase in number and darken in color, an increasing toxic accumulation is indicated.
The presence of radii solaris shows a need for cleansing and detoxifying the bowel and may also indicate a tissue condition conducive to parasitic invasion. (Jensen)
In the Iris of a healthy person, Radii Solaris appear empty, like furrows. When the inner ecology is toxic, the Radii Solaris appear dark. They extend, in variations, from the Pupil through the Iris Digestive System and/or the Autonomic Nerve Wreath in all directions. On an energetic level they represent positive goal-oriented expansion, the opposite of the contracting energetics of Nerve Rings. When negative, Radii Solaris are associated with toxins on the physical level, and self-destructive attitudes on the mental and emotional level. They are referred to as the Crown of Thorns when they radiate from the transverse colon into the Brain Zones.
According the Joseph Deck, Radii Solaris are genetic and non-reversable. However, they alter in appearance during purification and regeneration, as dark Radii solaris clear and appear like an empty furrow. (Sharan)
The Pupil

Pupil Size
Although pathological indications of the pupil of the eye are not directly part of Iridology, it is important to know something about them. The normal pupil is slightly off center in the iris in the nasal temporal direction, a phenomenon familiar to most iridologists. The electromagnetic vibrations that pass through the pupil to interact with the rods and cones of the retina trigger nerve impulses to the brain that provide most of the information we know about our external environment and one another. Normally, an individual’s pupils are of similar size and are perfectly round, although genetic inheritance may account for some size differences. The dilation and contraction of the pupil are directly dependent upon the functioning of the iris, particularly the sphincter muscle embedded in the stroma and the dilator muscle associated with the posterior pigment epithelium directly beneath the stroma. While the pupil adapts in size, according to the amount of light present and according to whether near or far vision is required, it's speed, degree, and stability of contraction indicate general neuromuscular condition. This is controlled to a great extent by the thalamus and hypothalamus, two of the most important centers of the brain. The thalamus and hypothalamus, as parts of the central nervous system, assist in directing and coordinating many of the activities of the autonomic nervous system.
While it is not our intention here to extensively discuss the human nervous system, it is necessary for those who are interested in Iridology to understand some of the complex features associated with the Anatomy and Physiology of the Irides. The nerves to the sphincter muscle belong to the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system the nerves to the dilator muscle belong to the sympathetic division. Both these divisions of the autonomic nervous system cooperate in directing the functions of glands, organs, and muscle tissue in the body – including the muscles of the irises. Since the pupils are constantly adapting to changes in light and changes in visual distance, an intricate coordination between sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions is necessary. Because the radial muscles of the iris converge toward the sphincter muscle, at the outer margin of the pupillary zone (the periphery of the maximum dilation area) we call this plexus the autonomic nerve wreath. Similarly, we suggest that the innermost margin of the pupil comprises a second important plexus representing the central nervous system (via the hypothalamus).
What we refer to as the “degree of pupil tension or relaxation” directly reflects the tone of the whole body, as determined by the central nervous system. If the pupil is too relaxed and shows poor tone, the iris muscles - reflecting the musculature of the entire body - are flaccid. If the pupil is too contracted, the muscle fibers of the iris reflect a tension experienced by the whole body. Via the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system, dilation and contraction of the pupil are influenced by physical and mental responses of varying kinds, including fear, pain, excitement, boredom, and fatigue. The level of fatigue or anxiety can be gauged from the tone of the iris and the pupillary margin. All body orifices correspond in their degree of tension and relaxation to that of the pupil of the eye.
Abnormal contraction of the pupil is called miosis; abnormal dilation is mydriasis. Abnormal states of pupillary reaction may be caused by anything from eye drops to food poisoning. When pupils differ in size the cause may be congenital, but if it is not, the difference may indicate eye disease, neurological disorder, or the use of medication.
Corresponding to the influence of the nerve plexuses of the irises, conditions of stress and strain in various organs may be indicated. Any organ showing great irritation which includes more than one nerve ring in the iris will exhibit pull, through reflexive action, on the muscle fibers of the iris the pupillary margin may be drawn toward that portion of the iris representing the area of greatest irritation in the body. The direction of the pull, inward or outward, depends on whether the stimulus comes from the central nervous system or the autonomic nervous system. For example, if the autonomic nervous system is under great greater strain then the central nervous system, the pupil will be drawn toward the affected organ. When great strain on the central nervous system results in a pull toward the pupil the pupillary margin may become flattened. The flattened surface implies lack of tone, diminished function, and the relative incapacity of the organ directly opposite the area of pull to recuperate. However, it must be noted that flatness of the pupil on one side may indicate simply that the stomach is congenitally flat. (Bernard Jensen)
Although pathological indications of the pupil of the eye are not directly part of Iridology, it is important to know something about them. The normal pupil is slightly off center in the iris in the nasal temporal direction, a phenomenon familiar to most iridologists. The electromagnetic vibrations that pass through the pupil to interact with the rods and cones of the retina trigger nerve impulses to the brain that provide most of the information we know about our external environment and one another. Normally, an individual’s pupils are of similar size and are perfectly round, although genetic inheritance may account for some size differences. The dilation and contraction of the pupil are directly dependent upon the functioning of the iris, particularly the sphincter muscle embedded in the stroma and the dilator muscle associated with the posterior pigment epithelium directly beneath the stroma. While the pupil adapts in size, according to the amount of light present and according to whether near or far vision is required, it's speed, degree, and stability of contraction indicate general neuromuscular condition. This is controlled to a great extent by the thalamus and hypothalamus, two of the most important centers of the brain. The thalamus and hypothalamus, as parts of the central nervous system, assist in directing and coordinating many of the activities of the autonomic nervous system.
While it is not our intention here to extensively discuss the human nervous system, it is necessary for those who are interested in Iridology to understand some of the complex features associated with the Anatomy and Physiology of the Irides. The nerves to the sphincter muscle belong to the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system the nerves to the dilator muscle belong to the sympathetic division. Both these divisions of the autonomic nervous system cooperate in directing the functions of glands, organs, and muscle tissue in the body – including the muscles of the irises. Since the pupils are constantly adapting to changes in light and changes in visual distance, an intricate coordination between sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions is necessary. Because the radial muscles of the iris converge toward the sphincter muscle, at the outer margin of the pupillary zone (the periphery of the maximum dilation area) we call this plexus the autonomic nerve wreath. Similarly, we suggest that the innermost margin of the pupil comprises a second important plexus representing the central nervous system (via the hypothalamus).
What we refer to as the “degree of pupil tension or relaxation” directly reflects the tone of the whole body, as determined by the central nervous system. If the pupil is too relaxed and shows poor tone, the iris muscles - reflecting the musculature of the entire body - are flaccid. If the pupil is too contracted, the muscle fibers of the iris reflect a tension experienced by the whole body. Via the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system, dilation and contraction of the pupil are influenced by physical and mental responses of varying kinds, including fear, pain, excitement, boredom, and fatigue. The level of fatigue or anxiety can be gauged from the tone of the iris and the pupillary margin. All body orifices correspond in their degree of tension and relaxation to that of the pupil of the eye.
Abnormal contraction of the pupil is called miosis; abnormal dilation is mydriasis. Abnormal states of pupillary reaction may be caused by anything from eye drops to food poisoning. When pupils differ in size the cause may be congenital, but if it is not, the difference may indicate eye disease, neurological disorder, or the use of medication.
Corresponding to the influence of the nerve plexuses of the irises, conditions of stress and strain in various organs may be indicated. Any organ showing great irritation which includes more than one nerve ring in the iris will exhibit pull, through reflexive action, on the muscle fibers of the iris the pupillary margin may be drawn toward that portion of the iris representing the area of greatest irritation in the body. The direction of the pull, inward or outward, depends on whether the stimulus comes from the central nervous system or the autonomic nervous system. For example, if the autonomic nervous system is under great greater strain then the central nervous system, the pupil will be drawn toward the affected organ. When great strain on the central nervous system results in a pull toward the pupil the pupillary margin may become flattened. The flattened surface implies lack of tone, diminished function, and the relative incapacity of the organ directly opposite the area of pull to recuperate. However, it must be noted that flatness of the pupil on one side may indicate simply that the stomach is congenitally flat. (Bernard Jensen)
Pupil Ring of Nourishment and Absorption
Observe: Pupil margin unfolding from the pupil; often colored black, brown, rust or dark orange colors
Indicates: Challenges with nutrient absorption and under-nourishment; can indicate acute to degenerative stomach lining often indicative of gastritis and over-acidity. Watch for any Radii Solaris emanating from the pupil, these will lead to possible areas of degenerative tissue due to toxicity from the stomach. Impaired digestion due to inflammation.
Keywords: Light of Spirit, Receptivity to Love, Nourishment, Alignment and Release; Contentment, Satisfaction, Hunger, and Addiction; Ease, Love, Community, and Purpose
The pupil ring reflects the condition of the stomach wall and the Central Nervous System. In health, the pupil ring presents an even circle of a medium brown color. The more degenerated the condition, the more jagged, dark and uneven the pupil ring is.
Referred to by Farida Sharan as the "Ring of Nourishment," because it meets the light of the spirit from the life of the person shining through the people and relates to receptivity to love, nourishment and the higher spiritual virtues of trust, faith and compassion. Nourishment requires receptivity to assimilate and embody energies that satisfy, as well as the willingness to release what does not satisfy in all aspects of relationship with food, drink and other sources of comfort. When our relationship with nourishment becomes addictive or indulgent, and we remain unsatisfied and hungry, deeper realities of a challenging relationship with nourishment need to be explored. (Sharan)
Observe: Pupil margin unfolding from the pupil; often colored black, brown, rust or dark orange colors
Indicates: Challenges with nutrient absorption and under-nourishment; can indicate acute to degenerative stomach lining often indicative of gastritis and over-acidity. Watch for any Radii Solaris emanating from the pupil, these will lead to possible areas of degenerative tissue due to toxicity from the stomach. Impaired digestion due to inflammation.
Keywords: Light of Spirit, Receptivity to Love, Nourishment, Alignment and Release; Contentment, Satisfaction, Hunger, and Addiction; Ease, Love, Community, and Purpose
The pupil ring reflects the condition of the stomach wall and the Central Nervous System. In health, the pupil ring presents an even circle of a medium brown color. The more degenerated the condition, the more jagged, dark and uneven the pupil ring is.
Referred to by Farida Sharan as the "Ring of Nourishment," because it meets the light of the spirit from the life of the person shining through the people and relates to receptivity to love, nourishment and the higher spiritual virtues of trust, faith and compassion. Nourishment requires receptivity to assimilate and embody energies that satisfy, as well as the willingness to release what does not satisfy in all aspects of relationship with food, drink and other sources of comfort. When our relationship with nourishment becomes addictive or indulgent, and we remain unsatisfied and hungry, deeper realities of a challenging relationship with nourishment need to be explored. (Sharan)
The Skin

Skin Ring/Scurf Rim
The scurf rim, also known as the Skin Ring is a circular band following the outer edge of the iris. A dark scurf rim shows an underactive integumentary system/skin functions. It does not always extend fully around the iris. The scurf rim reflects the condition of the skin as an eliminative organ. When skin elimination is inadequate, toxic buildup of waste occurs. If the scurf rim appears darker over the lung area, for example, the lungs may be affected by an excessive accumulation of toxins. Darker areas of the scurf rim always indicate toxic buildup in the organs inside that area. (Jensen)
The skin is referred to as the “third kidney,” describing its role as one of the body’s major channels of elimination. Without proper elimination through the skin the remaining channels of elimination must be functioning for the body to eliminate toxins.
The skin ring lies on the outer iris ring where it meets the sclera in the interaction ring, representing the outer shape of our ever-changing body and its two way exchange system of elimination an absorption, on physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of being. It is influenced by the lymphatic and circulatory rings and may be affected by accumulated toxins collecting in a dark scurf ring how we interrelate with the world determines whether we are thick skinned or thin skinned and whether we resist, fear or embrace interaction.
The scurf ring may appear at birth when there is toxic inheritance from the parents, and it may diminish if the child is raised without suppressive treatment or may appear and darken overtime when skin elimination is restricted due to heavy clothes or poor living habits, such as the use of synthetic clothing and bed linens lack of fresh air exercise skin exposure and diminished natural perspiration. (Sharan)
It has been noted by Jensen those who wore clothing over their entire body as a rule – observed a skin ring.
The scurf rim, also known as the Skin Ring is a circular band following the outer edge of the iris. A dark scurf rim shows an underactive integumentary system/skin functions. It does not always extend fully around the iris. The scurf rim reflects the condition of the skin as an eliminative organ. When skin elimination is inadequate, toxic buildup of waste occurs. If the scurf rim appears darker over the lung area, for example, the lungs may be affected by an excessive accumulation of toxins. Darker areas of the scurf rim always indicate toxic buildup in the organs inside that area. (Jensen)
The skin is referred to as the “third kidney,” describing its role as one of the body’s major channels of elimination. Without proper elimination through the skin the remaining channels of elimination must be functioning for the body to eliminate toxins.
The skin ring lies on the outer iris ring where it meets the sclera in the interaction ring, representing the outer shape of our ever-changing body and its two way exchange system of elimination an absorption, on physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of being. It is influenced by the lymphatic and circulatory rings and may be affected by accumulated toxins collecting in a dark scurf ring how we interrelate with the world determines whether we are thick skinned or thin skinned and whether we resist, fear or embrace interaction.
The scurf ring may appear at birth when there is toxic inheritance from the parents, and it may diminish if the child is raised without suppressive treatment or may appear and darken overtime when skin elimination is restricted due to heavy clothes or poor living habits, such as the use of synthetic clothing and bed linens lack of fresh air exercise skin exposure and diminished natural perspiration. (Sharan)
It has been noted by Jensen those who wore clothing over their entire body as a rule – observed a skin ring.
Lymphatic System

Lymphatic Rosary - Lymphatic Tophi
Observe: Just inside the periphery of the iris, small, white beads, clouds or pearls, resembling a rosary.
Indicates: Congestion, stagnation, swelling and enlargement of the lymphatic tissues. When lymphatic circulation becomes sluggish and congested with toxic wastes, small cloud-like spots appear in the irises. This sign may show up as a small series of white beads or pearls, concentric with the curvature of the iris periphery, often but not always, near the outer rim. Lymphatic congestion may also show up as individual spots located in single organs. (Jensen)
Upon close examination, the individual spots are seen to be enlarged, raised up from the surface of the iris and congested. White corresponds to acute activity, yellow to sub-acute; brown to chronic or degenerative.
When the lymph system is not functioning properly there is a build-up of catarrh and mucus. Lymphatic congestion and acids are the beginning of many diseases. Lymph goes into tissue where blood cannot penetrate and picks up toxic material in the form of acids and catarrh that must be illuminated. These toxins are then passed through the elimination channels of the lymph glands and kidneys. When the kidneys are under-functioning this lymphatic congestion remains locked in the body's tissues, developing into cellulitis, lypomic conditions, and eventually this congestion leads to cellular stagnation, starvation, and eventual cellular mutation. (Jensen)
Observe: Just inside the periphery of the iris, small, white beads, clouds or pearls, resembling a rosary.
Indicates: Congestion, stagnation, swelling and enlargement of the lymphatic tissues. When lymphatic circulation becomes sluggish and congested with toxic wastes, small cloud-like spots appear in the irises. This sign may show up as a small series of white beads or pearls, concentric with the curvature of the iris periphery, often but not always, near the outer rim. Lymphatic congestion may also show up as individual spots located in single organs. (Jensen)
Upon close examination, the individual spots are seen to be enlarged, raised up from the surface of the iris and congested. White corresponds to acute activity, yellow to sub-acute; brown to chronic or degenerative.
When the lymph system is not functioning properly there is a build-up of catarrh and mucus. Lymphatic congestion and acids are the beginning of many diseases. Lymph goes into tissue where blood cannot penetrate and picks up toxic material in the form of acids and catarrh that must be illuminated. These toxins are then passed through the elimination channels of the lymph glands and kidneys. When the kidneys are under-functioning this lymphatic congestion remains locked in the body's tissues, developing into cellulitis, lypomic conditions, and eventually this congestion leads to cellular stagnation, starvation, and eventual cellular mutation. (Jensen)
Just inside the periphery of the Iris may be observed white cloudy areas that usually can be seen all around the periphery if this pattern is present. This is called the Ring of Harmony in Rayid Iridology and the lymphatic rosary in traditional Iridology. This pattern relates to the immune system, the lymphatic system and particularly the throat area. There is a possibility of swollen throat glands, tonsils or thyroid difficulty at some stage of life. These people have trouble with boundaries just as the immune system relates to defending self and not self. Challenges related to respecting ones own time and energy, ones own needs from those of others can lead to suppression of the immune system. The harmony pattern types are called God's social workers because they seem ever ready to try to improve the state of life and the world. Their awareness is global, hence assisting people from other nations and cultures, with a likely interest in the environment. These people have empathy and compassion for others and actually sometimes take on the pain of others. If someone in a room is having a bad day emotionally a person with a Harmony Pattern will often unconsciously take on this energy. Strangers may tell their story to this type and leave feeling much better while the Harmony Pattern type feels exhausted. These people are learning to value themselves , to say 'No' when tired, to rejuvenate their energy through relaxation and self-care practices. They benefit from singing, laughter, massage and jogging to move the lymph. One of the main lessons of this pattern is to accept life the way it is rather than exhausting oneself trying to create Utopia. It is good to improve situations but not from a basis of agitation , non acceptance and exhaustion.
Nerve Rings - Rings of Freedom
Get used to your body and what’s yours and what’s not. (Dr. Morse)

Nerve Rings - Neurovascular Cramp - Rings of Freedom - Stress Rings - Contraction Furrows
Observe: Circular arcs or portions of arcs spread throughout the iris.
Indicates: A condition of anxiety, tension or stress in the environment which is finding its way into body tissues, resulting in rigidity, stiffness and restriction of blood and nerve supplies.
Nerve rings are represented in the eye by a ring-like indentation which follows the circumference of the iris. These nerve rings can be very acutely white; they can be dark; they can be indented extremely or just slightly. As the fibers come from the wreath (autonomic nerve wreath) to the periphery, they should normally be in an even, straight line. If there is an extreme indentation or drop, it indicates a cramp condition and that the body is irritated mentally or environmentally. It could be indicative of a focal irritation, from toxic material where there is an acid condition, or from a seepage of acids from one part of the body to another. It could be a reflex condition from another organ. Consequently it is well to trace down the cause of the trouble in this particular nerve ring. One nerve ring doesn't mean there is too much trouble in the body but when there are 4, 5, and maybe 6 nerve rings it is too much for the body to stand. The person whose eyes show many heavy nerve rings, is either headed for a breakdown or is in one. Many nerve rings can develop in both hyper and hypo active conditions of the thyroid.
Nerve rings must be interpreted according to the individual, because they do not always indicate nervous system abnormality. It is significant that nerve rings found in the anterior layer of the iris stroma are precisely mirrored in the posterior epithelial layer of the iris, indicating the possibility that we are born with a certain nerve temperament or capacity. When observing nerve rings, we always look for the organs they pass through and the organs they begin or end in. If a nerve ring ends in a kidney area, there may be a problem with elimination. If nerve rings are involved with a toxic laden or one in which a hyper pigmentation or psora is evident, the combination of these factors may be more serious. (Jensen)
Nerve rings are constitutional contractions in iris tissue that indicate nervous sensitivity, accumulated stress and muscular tension. It is significant, especially in relationship to major organs and glands, as they point to sources of irritation. They can appear lighter than the iris color in the hyper-active stage especially in the mixed color when they reveal an underlying blue or blueish green color. They appear darker if they reflect toxic hypoactivity. Larger numbers of nerve rings may indicate higher levels of stress, especially if the nerve rings are in the hyper-active stage. Four circles of bright nerve rings may accompany nervous breakdown levels of stress. Nerve rings vary in color, height and depth, in type and number, as well as in variations in left and right iris is, reflecting the influence of the right and left brain or masculine and feminine aspects in our life. They may occur only on one side of an iris. Medial nerve rings offer information on the internal body systems. And lateral nerve rings the external body systems. Nerve rings also appear in the head and brain areas, and within the Autonomic Nerve Wreath (bowel wall) in the digestive system. Pupil size plays a dynamic role in the number and depth of nerve ranks. Large pupils produce deeper nerve rings and small pupils straighten the iris fibers and reduce the depth of nerve rings. Iridology practitioners observe nerve rings in relation to pupil size depth color and numbers, as well as where they stop and start. Whatever the symptoms or condition, or the constitution, whenever nerve rings appear, the nervous system and adrenals require natural treatment and superior nutrients such as those derived from fresh, live foods. (Sharan)
Observe: Circular arcs or portions of arcs spread throughout the iris.
Indicates: A condition of anxiety, tension or stress in the environment which is finding its way into body tissues, resulting in rigidity, stiffness and restriction of blood and nerve supplies.
Nerve rings are represented in the eye by a ring-like indentation which follows the circumference of the iris. These nerve rings can be very acutely white; they can be dark; they can be indented extremely or just slightly. As the fibers come from the wreath (autonomic nerve wreath) to the periphery, they should normally be in an even, straight line. If there is an extreme indentation or drop, it indicates a cramp condition and that the body is irritated mentally or environmentally. It could be indicative of a focal irritation, from toxic material where there is an acid condition, or from a seepage of acids from one part of the body to another. It could be a reflex condition from another organ. Consequently it is well to trace down the cause of the trouble in this particular nerve ring. One nerve ring doesn't mean there is too much trouble in the body but when there are 4, 5, and maybe 6 nerve rings it is too much for the body to stand. The person whose eyes show many heavy nerve rings, is either headed for a breakdown or is in one. Many nerve rings can develop in both hyper and hypo active conditions of the thyroid.
Nerve rings must be interpreted according to the individual, because they do not always indicate nervous system abnormality. It is significant that nerve rings found in the anterior layer of the iris stroma are precisely mirrored in the posterior epithelial layer of the iris, indicating the possibility that we are born with a certain nerve temperament or capacity. When observing nerve rings, we always look for the organs they pass through and the organs they begin or end in. If a nerve ring ends in a kidney area, there may be a problem with elimination. If nerve rings are involved with a toxic laden or one in which a hyper pigmentation or psora is evident, the combination of these factors may be more serious. (Jensen)
Nerve rings are constitutional contractions in iris tissue that indicate nervous sensitivity, accumulated stress and muscular tension. It is significant, especially in relationship to major organs and glands, as they point to sources of irritation. They can appear lighter than the iris color in the hyper-active stage especially in the mixed color when they reveal an underlying blue or blueish green color. They appear darker if they reflect toxic hypoactivity. Larger numbers of nerve rings may indicate higher levels of stress, especially if the nerve rings are in the hyper-active stage. Four circles of bright nerve rings may accompany nervous breakdown levels of stress. Nerve rings vary in color, height and depth, in type and number, as well as in variations in left and right iris is, reflecting the influence of the right and left brain or masculine and feminine aspects in our life. They may occur only on one side of an iris. Medial nerve rings offer information on the internal body systems. And lateral nerve rings the external body systems. Nerve rings also appear in the head and brain areas, and within the Autonomic Nerve Wreath (bowel wall) in the digestive system. Pupil size plays a dynamic role in the number and depth of nerve ranks. Large pupils produce deeper nerve rings and small pupils straighten the iris fibers and reduce the depth of nerve rings. Iridology practitioners observe nerve rings in relation to pupil size depth color and numbers, as well as where they stop and start. Whatever the symptoms or condition, or the constitution, whenever nerve rings appear, the nervous system and adrenals require natural treatment and superior nutrients such as those derived from fresh, live foods. (Sharan)
It seems to be one of the more subtle laws of life we must work in harmony with the vibrations that surround us, not in disharmony. Without harmony we experience fear, anger, worry, anxiety, and other forms of "dis-ease." The irides of the eyes clearly reveal what we call nerve rings, symmetrical cramps in the trabeculae that are correlated with excessive nervousness. Nerve rings indicate a sensitivity to disharmony. When all the highly specialized parts of the body are working in concert, we are expressing harmony. When one organ malfunctions, the aberrance reverberates throughout the entire organism.
(Bernard Jensen)
(Bernard Jensen)
Life is for producing results
Denny Johnson, founder of Rayid Iridology, refers to nerve rings as Rings of Freedom: People with Rings of Freedom are driven to destroy imbalances in the world – they possess a desire to accomplish and achieve in life and are seen in someone who is likely to break with traditional family or society patterns. These rings indicate a reformer who embraces a new pathway. They are common in children born into traditional families who are pioneering a new way of being for that family, for example the first one to go to University, the first to marry outside of the traditional context, etc. According to Rayid Iridology, the greater the number of these freedom rings an individual has, the more restless they tend to feel. Those with this pattern often come across as impatient perfectionists. They dislike it if others are indecisive or procrastinate and have the tendency to disturb and dissolve what they perceive to be failing. Those with Rings of Freedom offer the world great gifts of action, change, creation, destruction and transformation.
Denny Johnson, founder of Rayid Iridology, refers to nerve rings as Rings of Freedom: People with Rings of Freedom are driven to destroy imbalances in the world – they possess a desire to accomplish and achieve in life and are seen in someone who is likely to break with traditional family or society patterns. These rings indicate a reformer who embraces a new pathway. They are common in children born into traditional families who are pioneering a new way of being for that family, for example the first one to go to University, the first to marry outside of the traditional context, etc. According to Rayid Iridology, the greater the number of these freedom rings an individual has, the more restless they tend to feel. Those with this pattern often come across as impatient perfectionists. They dislike it if others are indecisive or procrastinate and have the tendency to disturb and dissolve what they perceive to be failing. Those with Rings of Freedom offer the world great gifts of action, change, creation, destruction and transformation.
Psora Spots - Pigmentation - Jewels
Psora Spots - Pigmentation - Jewels
Observe: spots or colors randomly distributed about the iris. Indicates: areas of tissue weakness due to a toxic settlement or an encumbrance from drugs or toxins; is an inherited sign; Abnormal colorations occur due to inorganic substances settling in the tissues along with chemical and enzyme processes of toxic accumulation an external environmental poisons.
A drug made up of certain chemical elements usually has an affinity for the organ which seems to want most to repel that specific drug. Drugs of an inorganic nature cannot be used by the tissues of certain organs and whenever this these settle in these organs they become a source of irritation. Some drug signs in the iris appear in the same color found in the crude state. When these poisonous drugs have settled in any organ of the body, and remain there for a long time, they can cause so much irritation in the nervous system that the resulting damage may be indicated by the appearance of characteristic nerve rings. The discoloration seen in the iris is part of the fiber; the fiber itself has become discolored the drug spots you see are the colored fibers. A drug spot can be spread over many different areas, every fiber can be colored, and minutely you can see the underlying pigment showing between the fibers.
On the other hand, the iris can appear so dense that you will be unable to detect the fibers. When a drug has been taken over a long period of years, these appear very dark in the iris and are considered as chronic settlements in the body. As these markings become darker and darker, the patient develops what is called psora or the itch. These psora spots can be very dark almost black. The lymph system tries to carry all the poisons and foreign matter out of the body through the organs of elimination, but when the functional ability of the body is much below par and under a heavy dosing of drugs, their elimination cannot be accomplished. They become stored in the tissues and organs, and once they have become lodged in the system, there is hardly anything that will move them except a thorough cleansing of all the tissues and organs of the body, by natural therapy and the healing crisis. (Jensen)
Pigments are hereditary irregular markings of scattered color on the top of iris fibers. Early iridologists considered inherited pigments as miasms or taints from ancestral disease. We're still learning about these markings as their interpretation and effect can vary greatly from person to person. They appear haphazardly scattered on various parts of the iris. If they settle on an iris organ area, (which they often do) this indicates physical weakness, insufficiency and inhibition of function, and it has been proven that emotional and mental imbalances also occur.
Early Iridologists believed Pigments appeared in the Iris after suppressive treatment, (usually in childhood) followed by more serious illnesses appearing at a later date. Pigments helped them recognize the long-term harmful influence of inorganic drugs and medicines, as they observed and catalogued the markings on the Iris in relation to coal tar products, mercury, sulphur, quinine, and iodine used previously on their patients, and changes due to increased pollution and the use of processed foods.
Some modern Iridologists wish to dispense with the theory of drug accumulation, and describe pigments as enzyme disturbances that cause organ and cell damage.
Whether it is due to enzymatic actions or it is an actual physical residue of an inorganic substance it is lodged in this specific tissue area and is causing disturbance in that area - the darker the pigment the more degenerative both genetic weaknesses and the effects of toxic drug and chemical deposits are passed on to the next generation these combined weaknesses make it difficult for the body to throw off toxins, therefore it attracts further accumulation and the iris area related to that part of the body becomes darker as aging and disease progresses.
Observe: spots or colors randomly distributed about the iris. Indicates: areas of tissue weakness due to a toxic settlement or an encumbrance from drugs or toxins; is an inherited sign; Abnormal colorations occur due to inorganic substances settling in the tissues along with chemical and enzyme processes of toxic accumulation an external environmental poisons.
A drug made up of certain chemical elements usually has an affinity for the organ which seems to want most to repel that specific drug. Drugs of an inorganic nature cannot be used by the tissues of certain organs and whenever this these settle in these organs they become a source of irritation. Some drug signs in the iris appear in the same color found in the crude state. When these poisonous drugs have settled in any organ of the body, and remain there for a long time, they can cause so much irritation in the nervous system that the resulting damage may be indicated by the appearance of characteristic nerve rings. The discoloration seen in the iris is part of the fiber; the fiber itself has become discolored the drug spots you see are the colored fibers. A drug spot can be spread over many different areas, every fiber can be colored, and minutely you can see the underlying pigment showing between the fibers.
On the other hand, the iris can appear so dense that you will be unable to detect the fibers. When a drug has been taken over a long period of years, these appear very dark in the iris and are considered as chronic settlements in the body. As these markings become darker and darker, the patient develops what is called psora or the itch. These psora spots can be very dark almost black. The lymph system tries to carry all the poisons and foreign matter out of the body through the organs of elimination, but when the functional ability of the body is much below par and under a heavy dosing of drugs, their elimination cannot be accomplished. They become stored in the tissues and organs, and once they have become lodged in the system, there is hardly anything that will move them except a thorough cleansing of all the tissues and organs of the body, by natural therapy and the healing crisis. (Jensen)
Pigments are hereditary irregular markings of scattered color on the top of iris fibers. Early iridologists considered inherited pigments as miasms or taints from ancestral disease. We're still learning about these markings as their interpretation and effect can vary greatly from person to person. They appear haphazardly scattered on various parts of the iris. If they settle on an iris organ area, (which they often do) this indicates physical weakness, insufficiency and inhibition of function, and it has been proven that emotional and mental imbalances also occur.
Early Iridologists believed Pigments appeared in the Iris after suppressive treatment, (usually in childhood) followed by more serious illnesses appearing at a later date. Pigments helped them recognize the long-term harmful influence of inorganic drugs and medicines, as they observed and catalogued the markings on the Iris in relation to coal tar products, mercury, sulphur, quinine, and iodine used previously on their patients, and changes due to increased pollution and the use of processed foods.
Some modern Iridologists wish to dispense with the theory of drug accumulation, and describe pigments as enzyme disturbances that cause organ and cell damage.
Whether it is due to enzymatic actions or it is an actual physical residue of an inorganic substance it is lodged in this specific tissue area and is causing disturbance in that area - the darker the pigment the more degenerative both genetic weaknesses and the effects of toxic drug and chemical deposits are passed on to the next generation these combined weaknesses make it difficult for the body to throw off toxins, therefore it attracts further accumulation and the iris area related to that part of the body becomes darker as aging and disease progresses.
Brown, Yellow or Golden flecks or dots (in any season) are jewel types, observant visual learners, great verbal skills, collect beliefs and things, dislike being controlled or losing freedom.
According to Denny Johnson, founder of Rayid Iridology, The presence of brown or dark-colored freckle-like dots or flecks in the iris indicates a thinking-oriented, analytical person. These color spots, which can range from yellow to gold to brown, are referred to as jewels, and correlate to the forces in nature that concentrate, crystallized, and organize matter and this mentally-oriented personality is referred to as a Jewel.
Mental-types direct their perceptions and feelings through internal thought and analysis. Every person thinks, and every person analyzes, but for Jewels these are recognizably their dominant personality characteristics.
Brown or gold dots in an iris also indicate the person has a tendency to take in information visually. This is the Jewel’s primary mode of learning. Jewels like to watch, read and observe. They take information in through their eyes, process it, categorize it, name it, think of it, and then explain it verbally. They are usually precise, verbal communicators. In other words, Jewels respond well to visual impression, while being adept at verbal expression.
Johnson describes the occurrence of pigments as a development of the mental body around the seventh year that correlate with increased organization, observation, with skills of communication. Denny Johnson also observes that jewels are not usually manifest at birth. They begin to appear in the iris from three to eight years of age.
Mental-types direct their perceptions and feelings through internal thought and analysis. Every person thinks, and every person analyzes, but for Jewels these are recognizably their dominant personality characteristics.
Brown or gold dots in an iris also indicate the person has a tendency to take in information visually. This is the Jewel’s primary mode of learning. Jewels like to watch, read and observe. They take information in through their eyes, process it, categorize it, name it, think of it, and then explain it verbally. They are usually precise, verbal communicators. In other words, Jewels respond well to visual impression, while being adept at verbal expression.
Johnson describes the occurrence of pigments as a development of the mental body around the seventh year that correlate with increased organization, observation, with skills of communication. Denny Johnson also observes that jewels are not usually manifest at birth. They begin to appear in the iris from three to eight years of age.
Cholesterol Ring

Sodium-Cholesterol Ring - This unusual marking, a translucent to opaque ring found in various shades of white, is visible in front of the iris. That is, it is over the iris without being connected to the Iris Tribecula. Its width varies, depending on the severity of the condition. The same results from chemical imbalances in the body due to an excessive intake of salt or bicarbonate of soda, drugs such as sodium salicylate, calcium out of solution, and high cholesterol or triglycerides in the blood. It may be associated with hardening of the arteries, calcium spurs and deposits, joint troubles, and so on. (Jensen)
Not a true iris sign as it comes with age and cholesterol level. Increased errors in fat metabolism when seen in the ages of the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s. Risk of arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular problems. Also liver, pancreas and thyroid insufficiencies. Normal aging sign when seen in later life. (Sharan)
Normally a certain amount of sodium is needed by the body to buffer acids, to keep the joints limber, to assist in nerve conduction, and to aid in nutrient absorption through the small intestine. But, it is important that the body get biochemical sodium rather than inorganic chemical sodium. Biochemicals carry life force; sea salt or salt mined from the earth does not. Inorganic substances evolve into organic biochemicals through the action of plant life, and the body assimilates these higher evolved biochemicals easily. Food such as carrots, beets, and celery are high in sodium which can be used by the body without problems. Sodium chloride or table salt causes the joints to become brittle and hard, one of the symptoms of old age, while a study by the National Science Foundation showed that salt-cured and salt-pickled foods are associated with a higher risk of cancer.
Alzheimer's disease is associated with the sodium ring found in the iris, indicating hardening of the arteries and calcium deposits in the brain. (Jensen)
Not a true iris sign as it comes with age and cholesterol level. Increased errors in fat metabolism when seen in the ages of the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s. Risk of arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular problems. Also liver, pancreas and thyroid insufficiencies. Normal aging sign when seen in later life. (Sharan)
Normally a certain amount of sodium is needed by the body to buffer acids, to keep the joints limber, to assist in nerve conduction, and to aid in nutrient absorption through the small intestine. But, it is important that the body get biochemical sodium rather than inorganic chemical sodium. Biochemicals carry life force; sea salt or salt mined from the earth does not. Inorganic substances evolve into organic biochemicals through the action of plant life, and the body assimilates these higher evolved biochemicals easily. Food such as carrots, beets, and celery are high in sodium which can be used by the body without problems. Sodium chloride or table salt causes the joints to become brittle and hard, one of the symptoms of old age, while a study by the National Science Foundation showed that salt-cured and salt-pickled foods are associated with a higher risk of cancer.
Alzheimer's disease is associated with the sodium ring found in the iris, indicating hardening of the arteries and calcium deposits in the brain. (Jensen)
Resources & Recommended
The following texts have become my Iridology bibles: Iridology: The Science and Practice in the Healing Arts, Volumes 1 and 2 by Dr. Bernard Jensen; Iridology, A Complete Guide, by Farida Sharan. Dr. Jensen also published Visions of Health - Understanding Iridology, which is excellent as an introduction to Iridology, as well as Iridology Simplified which is more of a pamphlet size intro to Iridology, also excellent. The most comprehensive of all texts mentioned here, a must have text for the serious student of Iridology, is Jensen's Iridology, volume 2.
Iris Types
Dorothy Hall's Psychological Texture Types
Dorothy Hall's psychological, homeopathic and herbal treatment approach combined with iridology, released iridologists from structural judgment because she helped us see that when goal oriented physical strength is less, emotional strength may be more available for survival needs. She divided the iris into these categories according to fabric types based on the earlier works of 20th century iridologists.
Previous to Dorothy Hall's book 'Iridology', a silk or finely woven iris structure or density was labeled a good structure, and when one's iris fiber density varied from that, it was labeled poor or bad. Each iris texture has its good and bad points, and that the good texture type may have connective tissue strength, organ strength and recuperative abilities, yet suffer from weaknesses in the emotional, social, mental, and spiritual areas of life. (Farida Sharan's "Iridology - A Complete Guide" Comments on Dorothy Hall's Iris Texture Types)
Previous to Dorothy Hall's book 'Iridology', a silk or finely woven iris structure or density was labeled a good structure, and when one's iris fiber density varied from that, it was labeled poor or bad. Each iris texture has its good and bad points, and that the good texture type may have connective tissue strength, organ strength and recuperative abilities, yet suffer from weaknesses in the emotional, social, mental, and spiritual areas of life. (Farida Sharan's "Iridology - A Complete Guide" Comments on Dorothy Hall's Iris Texture Types)
From Dorothy Hall's "Iridology - How The Eyes Reveal Your Health And Your Personality"
Zigzag fibers
Many people of all structural types can show the sharp angles of zig-zagged fiber structure. Certainly, they are less likely to be found in a Silk iris than in any other type, because they indicate a reservoir of unused energy. If you are a Silk type, energy is used and used and used again. The less hearty Silk/Linens, though still remarkably strong, can show an odd fiber or two with this pattern if their energy is frustrated and unused. A Silk-Linen confined to a desk or a motor-car or a job where physical mobility is severely limited may begin to show zig-zag frustration of his normal energy flow rate. The result can look like laziness if he then sits in front of TV all the evening biting his fingernails when what he needs is physical activity. So zigzag fibers equal frustration of available energy flow.
Even the more open weave irises of Linen and Hessian types can show this frustration pattern, fibers arranged like open zips all around the iris clock. Ask such a person a few leading questions: “Do you feel a bit frustrated; feel you should be doing something more, something different? Do you feel you'd like to run, and jump up and down and yell a bit?” When the answer is a clenched fist and a tight jaw, or a verbal release of pent up energy, you're on the right track. However, the pattern of crimped fibers may stay in the iris long after any immediate release of energy. It can take some time to reestablish a balance, since such people tend to repeat or endure similar circumstances again and again.
I often find crimped fibers in irises of heavy marijuana smokers, particularly those folks who have smoked the drug too often, for 12 months or even several years. As well as showing certain disturbances in autonomic function, such an iris can indicate restriction of potential energy flow. A lotus-eater can be the result: inhibition of drive and non-recognition of real energy capabilities, in a pleasant, illusory haze of well-being.
If you assess a person as quiet and slightly below average in energy, then find the zig-zag fiber structure in the iris, it can help to point out to him gently that he is not getting the best from himself not using his structural strength and that he would feel and be much healthier if he overcame this inhibition of his real drive."
Zigzag fibers
Many people of all structural types can show the sharp angles of zig-zagged fiber structure. Certainly, they are less likely to be found in a Silk iris than in any other type, because they indicate a reservoir of unused energy. If you are a Silk type, energy is used and used and used again. The less hearty Silk/Linens, though still remarkably strong, can show an odd fiber or two with this pattern if their energy is frustrated and unused. A Silk-Linen confined to a desk or a motor-car or a job where physical mobility is severely limited may begin to show zig-zag frustration of his normal energy flow rate. The result can look like laziness if he then sits in front of TV all the evening biting his fingernails when what he needs is physical activity. So zigzag fibers equal frustration of available energy flow.
Even the more open weave irises of Linen and Hessian types can show this frustration pattern, fibers arranged like open zips all around the iris clock. Ask such a person a few leading questions: “Do you feel a bit frustrated; feel you should be doing something more, something different? Do you feel you'd like to run, and jump up and down and yell a bit?” When the answer is a clenched fist and a tight jaw, or a verbal release of pent up energy, you're on the right track. However, the pattern of crimped fibers may stay in the iris long after any immediate release of energy. It can take some time to reestablish a balance, since such people tend to repeat or endure similar circumstances again and again.
I often find crimped fibers in irises of heavy marijuana smokers, particularly those folks who have smoked the drug too often, for 12 months or even several years. As well as showing certain disturbances in autonomic function, such an iris can indicate restriction of potential energy flow. A lotus-eater can be the result: inhibition of drive and non-recognition of real energy capabilities, in a pleasant, illusory haze of well-being.
If you assess a person as quiet and slightly below average in energy, then find the zig-zag fiber structure in the iris, it can help to point out to him gently that he is not getting the best from himself not using his structural strength and that he would feel and be much healthier if he overcame this inhibition of his real drive."

Zigzag Fiber Impatient Frustration Type (From Farida Sharan's "Iridology A Complete Guide"
Iris fibers retreat in a zigzag pattern and bend at nerve rings when the pupil is large because of nervous weakness, exhaustion, medications, trauma or shock.
Zigzag iris fibers accompany erratic behaviors of impatience and frustration, restriction of positive energy flow, and diminished or exhausted energy.
Frustration and impatience explode, as accomplishing goals becomes more difficult. Difficult behavior patterns are repeated as it becomes harder to make decisions. They get stuck and cannot say no, even though they know they will suffer if they say yes.
Skill and intelligence is hindered by nervous weakness, however if they keep trying they are able to accomplish what they set out to do.
When they lose their balance or become ill, it takes a longer time to establish health and wellness.
Sometimes, this type gives up, becomes resigned, and restricts themselves to activities that do not challenge them, relying on others to provide the things they cannot do, or do without.
Strengthening of the nervous system and adrenals is paramount.
Iris fibers retreat in a zigzag pattern and bend at nerve rings when the pupil is large because of nervous weakness, exhaustion, medications, trauma or shock.
Zigzag iris fibers accompany erratic behaviors of impatience and frustration, restriction of positive energy flow, and diminished or exhausted energy.
Frustration and impatience explode, as accomplishing goals becomes more difficult. Difficult behavior patterns are repeated as it becomes harder to make decisions. They get stuck and cannot say no, even though they know they will suffer if they say yes.
Skill and intelligence is hindered by nervous weakness, however if they keep trying they are able to accomplish what they set out to do.
When they lose their balance or become ill, it takes a longer time to establish health and wellness.
Sometimes, this type gives up, becomes resigned, and restricts themselves to activities that do not challenge them, relying on others to provide the things they cannot do, or do without.
Strengthening of the nervous system and adrenals is paramount.