Latin: Calendula officinalis
Family: Asteraceae
Common Name: Pot Marigold
Family: Asteraceae
Common Name: Pot Marigold
"Calendula is a medicinal flower that has several health benefits. Taken internally as a tea, tincture, or extract, calendula is highly beneficial and soothing for ulcers, indigestion, colitis, heartburn, gall-bladder problems, liver problems, menstrual cramps, and chronic inflammation. Calendula’s antiviral properties also makes it a great support for the immune system and lymphatic system.
Calendula extracts even have anti-cancer properties and have been known to benefit leukemia, breast, prostate, cervix, lung, pancreas, and colon cancer. Topically, calendula can be applied as a cream, salve, lotion, or oil and works wonders for skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis (find out the true unknown cause of these conditions and how to heal in Liver Rescue), boils, shingles, athlete’s foot, sunburn, chickenpox, measles, bee stings, diaper rash, yeast infections, warts, and acne.
It is also a good eye wash for conjunctivitis and dry itchy eyes. A few drops of calendula oil can be applied directly into the ear to help ease the pain of an earache. The carotenoids contained in calendula reduce the signs of aging by decreasing the appearance of wrinkles and provide moisture and tone to the skin.
On a cellular level, calendula also has the ability to help heal the after-effects of radioactive exposure, such as chemotherapy. As an anti-microbial, calendula is effective against ringworm and scabies. Calendula cream is also good to use for broken bones, sprains, bruises, and varicose veins as it will help to decrease swelling in bodily tissues." Medical Medium
Calendula extracts even have anti-cancer properties and have been known to benefit leukemia, breast, prostate, cervix, lung, pancreas, and colon cancer. Topically, calendula can be applied as a cream, salve, lotion, or oil and works wonders for skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis (find out the true unknown cause of these conditions and how to heal in Liver Rescue), boils, shingles, athlete’s foot, sunburn, chickenpox, measles, bee stings, diaper rash, yeast infections, warts, and acne.
It is also a good eye wash for conjunctivitis and dry itchy eyes. A few drops of calendula oil can be applied directly into the ear to help ease the pain of an earache. The carotenoids contained in calendula reduce the signs of aging by decreasing the appearance of wrinkles and provide moisture and tone to the skin.
On a cellular level, calendula also has the ability to help heal the after-effects of radioactive exposure, such as chemotherapy. As an anti-microbial, calendula is effective against ringworm and scabies. Calendula cream is also good to use for broken bones, sprains, bruises, and varicose veins as it will help to decrease swelling in bodily tissues." Medical Medium
Properties & Actions
Lymphatic, Immune Stimulant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-spasmodic, Alterative, Astringent, Vulnerary, Anti-microbial, Anti-fungal, Emmenagogue, Diaphoretic
Calendula is a remedy long used throughout Europe and the Americas for wound healing and ulcer treatments. Culpepper speaks of the flowers, either fresh or dried as being “much used in posits, broth, and drink as a comforter of the heart and spirits, and to expel any malignant or pestilential quality which might annoy them.” Ellingwood recommends it for varicose veins, chronic ulcers, capillary engorgement, hepatic and splenic congestion, recent wounds an open sores, and severe burns.”
Recent studies show significant anti-viral, anti-tumor, and cytogenic properties. (Fritchey, Practical Herbalism)
Recent studies show significant anti-viral, anti-tumor, and cytogenic properties. (Fritchey, Practical Herbalism)
Tissues, Organs, and Systems Affinity
Blood, Mucus membranes, Skin, Gastrointestinal tract
From the Apothecary
Uses & Indications
- Cleanses wounds, reduces inflammation, promotes healing, stimulates circulation
- Good for almost any ‘accident’, minor cuts, scrapes, burns, acne, rashes, broken bones, considered a heal-all herb
- Also good for fungal infections such as athletes foot and thrush due to it’s anti-microbial properties
- Helpful for diaper rash and sore nipples from breastfeeding
- Can be combined with Vitamin E and rubbed on pregnant bellies to help prevent stretch marks
- Considered a cleansing herb, it can help with chronic skin problems such as acne and eczema
- Combines well with Plantain because it has similar actions and complimentary energetics
- Also helps with mild cases of stagnant liver
- Good for leaky gut, can help heal the lesions in the intestine
- Specific for congestion of the lymph in the creases of the pelvis
- Good for sitz baths or vaginal washes to cleanse the area
- Will help move the lymph through the body, promoting the removal of waste and illness (1)
Role in Detox
Calendula holds the signature of solar plexus chakra, the physical center for digestion, the stomach and bowels. Calendula flower is silky soft, velvety, smooth to the touch. Ranging from yellow to orange in color, Calendula addresses chronic lymphatic congestion, especially that originating from the gut area. Chronic lymphatic congestion in the gut is often accompanied by a dark, jagged pupillary margin, indicative of malabsorption and inflammation of the stomach lining. As well, it is often accompanied by radii solaris emanating from the stomach extending into the entire digestive system and often into the iris and represented anatomy beyond the bowel wall.
Also noted is the orange central heterochromia, indicating pancreas insufficiency and/or sulfur accumulation in the gut, to which Calendula would also benefit.
Calendula is widely used as a lymphatic herb, and here we see reflected in its signature it has a special focus on clearing lymphatic congestion from the gut area. Edible and medicinal, Calendula may be consumed as a food as well in teas and other herbal preparations including capsule or tincture. Perhaps one of the most effective ways of consuming Calendula is in powder form, especially when addressing this specific occurrence of lymphatic congestion in the gut.
For complete bowel cleansing mix Calendula powder with psyllium powder, along with other alkalizing herbs and mix in water or juice as a digestive cleanser and tonic.
Also noted is the orange central heterochromia, indicating pancreas insufficiency and/or sulfur accumulation in the gut, to which Calendula would also benefit.
Calendula is widely used as a lymphatic herb, and here we see reflected in its signature it has a special focus on clearing lymphatic congestion from the gut area. Edible and medicinal, Calendula may be consumed as a food as well in teas and other herbal preparations including capsule or tincture. Perhaps one of the most effective ways of consuming Calendula is in powder form, especially when addressing this specific occurrence of lymphatic congestion in the gut.
For complete bowel cleansing mix Calendula powder with psyllium powder, along with other alkalizing herbs and mix in water or juice as a digestive cleanser and tonic.
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