Ligustrum Lucidum
Latin: Ligustrum Lucidum, from 'Lucere,' meaning 'to shine,' or 'filled with light.'
Common Name: Chinese Privet, Glossy Privet
Family: Oleaceae or Olive family
Common Name: Chinese Privet, Glossy Privet
Family: Oleaceae or Olive family
Ligustrum Lucidum is a small, evergreen-like tree in the olive family that is native to China and Eastern Asia with white lilac-like flowers that produce lovely purple fruit. This fruit is considered the medicinal portion of the plant, an ancient Taoist longevity tonic that nourishes the yin energy and essence of the liver and kidneys; clears heat and brightens the eyes, enhances the senses (especially the eyes and ears), inspires the glands (especially the thyroid, pineal, and pituitary glands), and strengthens and rejuvenates the entire body.
Properties & Actions
Hepatoprotective, Kidney Tonic, Liver Tonic, Anticancer, Antioxidant, Anti-Aging, Anti-Inflammatory, Immunomodulating, Antiviral, Antiosteoporosis, Chemotherapeutic (Used to enhance white blood cell counts after chemotherapy and radiation), and Chemo-preventive
Benefits & Uses
Ligustrum is indicated for deep immune activation, premature aging (including graying of hair and vision loss), tinnitus, burnout; and with kidney weakness, weak back and knees, hearing loss, blurred vision, constipation and immunological disorders. It is a yin tonic in Chinese medicine. Ligustrum is used to strengthen and rejuvenate the entire body.
Sweet, Bitter, Cooling
Parts Used
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