Anxiety - High Cholesterol - The Gut - The Heart - The Liver - Inflammation - The Kidneys - The Lymphatic System - The Nervous System - The Pancreas - The Pineal Gland - The Reproductive System - The Thyroid
Anxiety - High Cholesterol - The Gut - The Heart - The Liver - Inflammation - The Kidneys - The Lymphatic System - The Nervous System - The Pancreas - The Pineal Gland - The Reproductive System - The Thyroid
Heal the Pancreas
Most of the information given in connection with the pancreas is strictly physiological, and, therefore, out of place here. Suffice it to say, however, that it lies in the abdomen and is close to the solar plexus (which is the brain of the instinctual animal nature) and is closely concerned with the "mobilization of energy for physical and mental purposes. It has two secretions, both insulin, one concerned with the digestive processes and the other known to be vital to the metabolism of sugar. Without sufficient sugar for the cells, no muscle work or nerve work - essentials in the struggle for existence - are possible.
The Pancreas is a reservoir of energy. It is an organ of stability and therefore tends to resist changes and general fluctuations of moods and environment. Because it keeps the main reserve of the energy of a body, it keeps its purpose of guaranteeing the survival of the Being.
(The Glands Regulating Personality, Louis Berman M.D. 1922)
The Pancreas is a reservoir of energy. It is an organ of stability and therefore tends to resist changes and general fluctuations of moods and environment. Because it keeps the main reserve of the energy of a body, it keeps its purpose of guaranteeing the survival of the Being.
(The Glands Regulating Personality, Louis Berman M.D. 1922)
Located behind the stomach in the upper left abdomen, surrounded by the small intestine, liver, and spleen, the Pancreas is spongy, about six to ten inches long, and is shaped like a flat pear or a fish that extends horizontally across the abdomen.
The only gland in the body considered both endocrine and exocrine, the pancreas functions are multi-layered and catalysts for other body processes. In its exocrine role the pancreas is vital to the digestive process as it releases digestive enzymes necessary to break down and convert food into cellular energy. These enzymes include trypsin and chymotrypsin that convert proteins into amino acids; amylase for the conversion of complex carbohydrates into disaccharides and trisaccharides which are then converted to glucose; and lipase to break fats down into fatty acids and cholesterol. The pancreatic duct runs the length of the pancreas, and it is joined by several small branches from the glandular tissue. The end of this duct is connected to a similar duct that comes from the liver, which delivers bile to the duodenum. It is this mixture of pancreatic juices and bile that is released into the first portion of the small intestine, the duodenum. This fluid neutralizes the highly acidic gastric juice, which would otherwise damage the membrane lining of the small intestine.
The endocrine component of the pancreas consists of islet cells (islets of Langerhans) that create and release important hormones directly into the bloodstream. (Hence the distinction between the endocrine and exocrine function, the exocrine releasing enzymes through ducts, the endocrine releasing directly into the blood) Two of the main pancreatic hormones are insulin, which acts to lower blood sugar, and glucagon, which acts to raise blood sugar. Maintaining proper blood sugar levels is crucial to the functioning of key organs including the brain, liver, and kidneys.
The only gland in the body considered both endocrine and exocrine, the pancreas functions are multi-layered and catalysts for other body processes. In its exocrine role the pancreas is vital to the digestive process as it releases digestive enzymes necessary to break down and convert food into cellular energy. These enzymes include trypsin and chymotrypsin that convert proteins into amino acids; amylase for the conversion of complex carbohydrates into disaccharides and trisaccharides which are then converted to glucose; and lipase to break fats down into fatty acids and cholesterol. The pancreatic duct runs the length of the pancreas, and it is joined by several small branches from the glandular tissue. The end of this duct is connected to a similar duct that comes from the liver, which delivers bile to the duodenum. It is this mixture of pancreatic juices and bile that is released into the first portion of the small intestine, the duodenum. This fluid neutralizes the highly acidic gastric juice, which would otherwise damage the membrane lining of the small intestine.
The endocrine component of the pancreas consists of islet cells (islets of Langerhans) that create and release important hormones directly into the bloodstream. (Hence the distinction between the endocrine and exocrine function, the exocrine releasing enzymes through ducts, the endocrine releasing directly into the blood) Two of the main pancreatic hormones are insulin, which acts to lower blood sugar, and glucagon, which acts to raise blood sugar. Maintaining proper blood sugar levels is crucial to the functioning of key organs including the brain, liver, and kidneys.
Hypoactivity, or underactivity, of the Pancreas can result in the following:
General digestive malaise;
Gas and bloating; belching (especially after meals);
Undigested foods in stools
Excessive thinness (effect of malabsorption);
Loss of muscle tissue (again; malabsorption);
Moles growing on your skin (Moles are a parasitic occurrence, when food is not digested and putrefies parasites proliferate)
Low blood sugar (Hypoglycemia)
High blood sugar (Diabetes, etc.)
Acid reflux
General digestive malaise;
Gas and bloating; belching (especially after meals);
Undigested foods in stools
Excessive thinness (effect of malabsorption);
Loss of muscle tissue (again; malabsorption);
Moles growing on your skin (Moles are a parasitic occurrence, when food is not digested and putrefies parasites proliferate)
Low blood sugar (Hypoglycemia)
High blood sugar (Diabetes, etc.)
Acid reflux
In the Iris
Seen in the right eye at 7 o'clock, a healthy pancreas will have no lesions, fiber separations or discoloration. Psora markings, or Jewels in the pancreas area indicate a genetic focus and invitation for healing this area, often a karmic pass. The pancreas produces an orange coloration, or heterochromia, most commonly found in the bowel area when its functions are impaired. These two signs are often found together, indicating a need for purification and rejuvenation of the pancreas.
Healing the Pancreas: Give it a Break
Research from the University of Southern California and the Koch Institute at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is showing that fasting can trigger the pancreas into regenerating itself:
Mice were fed for four days on a low-caloric diet, receiving half their normal daily calorie intake on day one, followed by three days of 10% of their normal calorie intake.
Researchers repeated this fast on three occasions, with 10 days of refeeding in between. They then examined the pancreas.
They found in mice modelled to have both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, insulin production was restored, insulin resistance was reduced, and beta cells could be regenerated. Early lab study involving human cell samples showed similar potential. (1)
This research follows logic and supports Dr. Morse’s experience in healing Diabetes and Pancreatic Cancer through juice fasting:
Research from the University of Southern California and the Koch Institute at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is showing that fasting can trigger the pancreas into regenerating itself:
Mice were fed for four days on a low-caloric diet, receiving half their normal daily calorie intake on day one, followed by three days of 10% of their normal calorie intake.
Researchers repeated this fast on three occasions, with 10 days of refeeding in between. They then examined the pancreas.
They found in mice modelled to have both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, insulin production was restored, insulin resistance was reduced, and beta cells could be regenerated. Early lab study involving human cell samples showed similar potential. (1)
This research follows logic and supports Dr. Morse’s experience in healing Diabetes and Pancreatic Cancer through juice fasting:
In a pancreatic cancer case I worked with, the individual had stopped digesting food completely. I started her on fruit juices only. Then I added vegetable juices, and finally, after a short period of time, I added first raw fruit and then vegetables. The reason I chose this method is simple. First, her pancreas had stopped digesting her food. When she ate any food it came out in her stools undigested. I needed to maintain her systemic energy but give her something that took little, if any, effort for the pancreas to digest. A freshly-made fruit juice is the best choice in this solution. I added vegetable juices after a while, even though they are harder to digest, but her pancreas had improved enough to handle them. I also used liquid botanical extracts to enhance various organs and glands in her body, especially the pancreas. I finally added solid foods starting with fruits, again because of their high energy levels and ease of digestion. Finally, in eleven months, she was cancer free!
Robert Morse, N.D.
Robert Morse, N.D.
When reduced caloric intake or juice fasting is not an option, the next best thing would be to take juices along with simple foods such as fruits and leafy greens - these foods requiring the least amount of energy and enzyme secretion from the pancreas. Fasting and eating simply (by eating simply I am referring to the intake of simple forms of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates - all found in their most base and digestible form through fruit and leafy green vegetables) has two-fold benefits – first you will be giving your pancreas a much needed break, second you are feeding your body directly what it needs – energy in the form of fructose from fruits and greens is readily absorbed. This way you are treating your pancreas well in addition to healing challenges with assimilation and malabsorption induced starvation of your cells.
Healing the Pancreas - Botanicals
Herbs high in silica - According to Anthony William - Medical Medium, silica helps stabilize the pancreas's release of insulin), such as Nettle, Horsetail, and Rosehips
Milk Thistle – "Mother Thistle;" Queen in rebuilding liver and pancreas cells
Bilberry - Helps prevent cataracts and protects eye tissue from effects of diabetes; helps control blood sugar levels.
Goldenseal – A source of natural insulin; increases gastric juices and digestive enzymes as well the production and secretion of bile. Used to strengthen and tone the pancreas; helps regulate blood sugars
Juniper Berry – Aids in restoring the pancreas, beneficial in cases of diabetes – contains natural insulin properties
Marshmallow Root – Through its alkalizing and soothing effects on the GI tract, Marshmallow Root provides support to the pancreas - a tissue-specific plant for gastritis, enteritis, colitis, diverticulitis, ulcers and cancers of the GI tract. Neutralizes over-production of stomach acids, therefore allowing improved digestion. Useful for diabetics
Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthero) – An exceptional endocrine gland herb, especially great for the adrenal glands, strengthens the pancreas and helps control blood sugar issues
Uva Ursi (Bearberry) – Exerts a strong influence upon the pancreas - used to help regulate blood sugars. Used in congestive conditions of the body (especially the bladder, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen)
Bitters Formulas - Bitters are herbs that promote digestion through the stimulation of the pancreas and liver/gallbladder. Generally included are herbs such as Angelica, Dandelion, and Burdock
Herbs high in silica - According to Anthony William - Medical Medium, silica helps stabilize the pancreas's release of insulin), such as Nettle, Horsetail, and Rosehips
Milk Thistle – "Mother Thistle;" Queen in rebuilding liver and pancreas cells
Bilberry - Helps prevent cataracts and protects eye tissue from effects of diabetes; helps control blood sugar levels.
Goldenseal – A source of natural insulin; increases gastric juices and digestive enzymes as well the production and secretion of bile. Used to strengthen and tone the pancreas; helps regulate blood sugars
Juniper Berry – Aids in restoring the pancreas, beneficial in cases of diabetes – contains natural insulin properties
Marshmallow Root – Through its alkalizing and soothing effects on the GI tract, Marshmallow Root provides support to the pancreas - a tissue-specific plant for gastritis, enteritis, colitis, diverticulitis, ulcers and cancers of the GI tract. Neutralizes over-production of stomach acids, therefore allowing improved digestion. Useful for diabetics
Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthero) – An exceptional endocrine gland herb, especially great for the adrenal glands, strengthens the pancreas and helps control blood sugar issues
Uva Ursi (Bearberry) – Exerts a strong influence upon the pancreas - used to help regulate blood sugars. Used in congestive conditions of the body (especially the bladder, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen)
Bitters Formulas - Bitters are herbs that promote digestion through the stimulation of the pancreas and liver/gallbladder. Generally included are herbs such as Angelica, Dandelion, and Burdock
It is essential for the pancreas to produce sodium bicarbonate (bicarbonate ions) and for the liver/gallbladder to produce bile, as both of these substances alkalize and sanitize the predigested food particles from the stomach. If the tissues of these organs are congested, weak, or impaired in such a way that these alkalizing principles are restricted or blocked from entry to the small bowel, the duodenum stays overly acidic, and inflammation and ulceration of the duodenum are the result. An over-acidic environment also destroys or neutralizes the alkaline digestive enzymes of the pancreas, virtually stopping proper digestion. This leads to starvation at the cellular
level as other enzymes and parasites become involved, because fermentation and putrefaction now takes over the digestive process. (Robert Morse, N.D.)
level as other enzymes and parasites become involved, because fermentation and putrefaction now takes over the digestive process. (Robert Morse, N.D.)
The function of the pancreas that directly relates to diabetes is performed by the beta cells, which produce and release the insulin that assists in the utilization of glucose fuel by the body. Insulin, being a protein-type hormone, assists the transport of glucose through cell membrane walls. It is important to note here that fructose from fruit moves through cell walls by diffusion, not active transport, as in the case of glucose. This means that the need for insulin to assist fructose into a cell is highly questionable, yet diabetics are commonly told not to eat fruit because of its sugar. I have always put my diabetic patients on fruit with tremendously positive results. This type of diet will clean and rebuild the pancreas and adrenal glands. Food combinations are also vital to follow, as the fermentation and putrefaction of foods adversely affect the pancreas and blood sugar levels. I also use an herbal detox program and a pancreatic support formula with this diet. In type II diabetes, if you follow a good detox program and use high quality herbs, you should be off insulin within three to eight weeks.
(Dr. Morse)
Quite the most well-known disease due to disturbed internal secretory function of the pancreas is diabetes. An enormous amount of work has been spent upon the various aspects of it as a mystery. Hundreds of papers in a dozen languages upon the subject are in existence. In a nutshell, they have established pretty well that diabetes is a disease in which there is an excess of sugar in the blood and urine because of an insufficient amount of the secretion of the islands of Langerhans in the pancreas.
The Glands Regulating Personality, Louis Berman M.D. 1922
Diabetes is caused when insulin production of the Pancreas is exhausted, declines and may cease to be produced. Chronic feelings of despair, anguish and hopelessness are the cause of this illness. When a person loses the sweetness of life and becomes burdened with the struggle of life, through self- bitterness, self-rejection, self-hatred, it is not uncommon for diabetes to surface.
(Dr. Morse)
Quite the most well-known disease due to disturbed internal secretory function of the pancreas is diabetes. An enormous amount of work has been spent upon the various aspects of it as a mystery. Hundreds of papers in a dozen languages upon the subject are in existence. In a nutshell, they have established pretty well that diabetes is a disease in which there is an excess of sugar in the blood and urine because of an insufficient amount of the secretion of the islands of Langerhans in the pancreas.
The Glands Regulating Personality, Louis Berman M.D. 1922
Diabetes is caused when insulin production of the Pancreas is exhausted, declines and may cease to be produced. Chronic feelings of despair, anguish and hopelessness are the cause of this illness. When a person loses the sweetness of life and becomes burdened with the struggle of life, through self- bitterness, self-rejection, self-hatred, it is not uncommon for diabetes to surface.
The Energy of Pancreas
The Pancreas Home being the Digestive System and Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura,pancreas speaks of assimilation; digestion; the sweetening of what's bitter (taken in the stomach); the dynamic interplay of conscious discernment - accepting, rejecting, responding to what's given.
Pancreas is a reservoir of energy. It is an organ of stability and therefore tends to resist changes and general fluctuations of moods and environment. Because it keeps the main reserve of the energy of a body, it keeps its purpose of guaranteeing the survival of the Being. The main energetic meridian that acts through this section of the body applies its influence over the Spleen and the Pancreas, in a combined action; the Spleen regulates the blood, while the Pancreas regulates the reserve of Glycogen in the Liver through the secretion of insulin.
The influence of the Pancreas can be seen as a general role of support for the organism through the mental, moral and intellectual development of the being. It is also known to impact the genital system and indirectly the waves of psychism and sensibility. In this role, the Pancreas can be responsible for hiccups, indigestion, diarrhea, and general indisposition. Indirectly, it may also have a certain influence in problems that may occur over the central part of the body.
The Pancreas is the main organic structure that processes the emotion of fear because its function is to maintain the stability of the organism and any threat at the emotional or physical level can cause a structural imbalance entire system. Because the Pancreas is intimately connected with the physiology of the Soul through the fields of emotion and primary feelings, and indirectly to the nervous system, any violent emotion or attack received by the organism will immediately paralyze the digestion, consequently affecting the production of insulin and the liver. It is at the Pancreas level that occurs an evaluation and separation of what elements, emotions, and circumstances are proper for the being, and how the changes may have to be made for the continual survival of the organism.
The German medical doctor, Arnold Krumm-Heller from the University of Berlin, declared in his course about the Zodiac that the Virgo Constellation has influenced the abdomen, especially over the Islets of Langerhans.
In the Chinese theory of five elements, the stomach, spleen, and pancreas energies are associated with the element earth, the foundation of our beings, giving us steadiness and strength to function as human beings. The earth element is thus correlated to the bearing of children and founding solid relationships. The spleen is the major organ that processes the Prana facilitating its absorption by the body and other organs. Located in the Solar Plexus region, the energies of these three organs transmit to the organism the sense of equilibrium, emotionally, physically as well as nutritionally. (2)
Pancreas is a reservoir of energy. It is an organ of stability and therefore tends to resist changes and general fluctuations of moods and environment. Because it keeps the main reserve of the energy of a body, it keeps its purpose of guaranteeing the survival of the Being. The main energetic meridian that acts through this section of the body applies its influence over the Spleen and the Pancreas, in a combined action; the Spleen regulates the blood, while the Pancreas regulates the reserve of Glycogen in the Liver through the secretion of insulin.
The influence of the Pancreas can be seen as a general role of support for the organism through the mental, moral and intellectual development of the being. It is also known to impact the genital system and indirectly the waves of psychism and sensibility. In this role, the Pancreas can be responsible for hiccups, indigestion, diarrhea, and general indisposition. Indirectly, it may also have a certain influence in problems that may occur over the central part of the body.
The Pancreas is the main organic structure that processes the emotion of fear because its function is to maintain the stability of the organism and any threat at the emotional or physical level can cause a structural imbalance entire system. Because the Pancreas is intimately connected with the physiology of the Soul through the fields of emotion and primary feelings, and indirectly to the nervous system, any violent emotion or attack received by the organism will immediately paralyze the digestion, consequently affecting the production of insulin and the liver. It is at the Pancreas level that occurs an evaluation and separation of what elements, emotions, and circumstances are proper for the being, and how the changes may have to be made for the continual survival of the organism.
The German medical doctor, Arnold Krumm-Heller from the University of Berlin, declared in his course about the Zodiac that the Virgo Constellation has influenced the abdomen, especially over the Islets of Langerhans.
In the Chinese theory of five elements, the stomach, spleen, and pancreas energies are associated with the element earth, the foundation of our beings, giving us steadiness and strength to function as human beings. The earth element is thus correlated to the bearing of children and founding solid relationships. The spleen is the major organ that processes the Prana facilitating its absorption by the body and other organs. Located in the Solar Plexus region, the energies of these three organs transmit to the organism the sense of equilibrium, emotionally, physically as well as nutritionally. (2)