The Adrenal Glands - Anxiety - High Cholesterol - The Gut - The Heart - Inflammation - The Kidneys - The Liver - The Lymphatic System - Malabsorption - The Medulla - The Nervous System - The Pancreas - The Pineal Gland - The Reproductive System - The Thyroid
The Adrenal Glands - Anxiety - High Cholesterol - The Gut - The Heart - Inflammation - The Kidneys - The Liver - The Lymphatic System - Malabsorption - The Medulla - The Nervous System - The Pancreas - The Pineal Gland - The Reproductive System - The Thyroid
Colon Cleanse & Digestive Detox
Proper nutrition can be blocked from the cells by retained waste in the colon. This leads to a toxic buildup and the accumulation of a gluey substance throughout the intestines called “mucoid plaque.” This plaque causes inflammation and the breakdown of the tissues of the intestinal walls. Mucoid plaque is mostly a by-product of refined starches, sugars and dairy products. When the walls of the intestines are coated with layers of sticky plaque, the nutrients the body needs to properly function and perform to its highest potential cannot be absorbed. In addition, the sticky mucoid plaque is a breeding ground for parasitic infestation. These destructive parasites consume any remaining nutrients left in the GI tract.(Robert Morse, N.D.)
The bowel is either the key to a healthy body and a clean bloodstream, or to toxicity and disease. Cleansing and regeneration of the bowel is an essential requirement for healing. If it is not functioning properly as an eliminative channel, it will be a major contribution to any disease pattern. (Farida Sharan)
It is impossible to have a chronic toxic bowel and clean blood. In my experience, the bowel tends to be one of the organs most frequently afflicted with inherent weakness - weak tissue structure in the organ wall. This permits toxins inside the bowl to be absorbed through the bowel wall and into the blood and lymph systems, through which they travel to every organ of the body, weakening the whole system. (Bernard Jensen)
When waste matter doesn't move along quickly through the colon, it dehydrates and hardens, becoming a thick and sticky mass. This old, undigested and putrefied matter becomes more and more difficult for the body to eliminate, and can harbor unwanted bacteria, toxins and parasites. It can also hinder the flow of normal digestive fluids from the liver and pancreas. Further problems can then manifest as the colon develops swellings and pockets (diverticula) that hold deposits of toxic waste. Poisons from these toxic areas are carried throughout the entire system, causing toxemia. Re-hydration and removal of this waste matter is paramount to healthy colon function and to optimum physical health.
From my perspective most everyone can benefit from Colon Cleansing, especially if you have any of the following symptoms:
Signs of candida overgrowth or parasite infestation; History of heavy dairy, meats, sugar intake, an acidic diet, and poor food combining indicate likely bowel impaction; Slow moving bowels - It's easy to assume that one bowel movement each day (or a few movements in the morning hours) indicates sufficient movement. But if you take in food three times a day or more, how does it follow that you should eliminate only once a day or less? Children with relaxed healthy systems usually have about three movements per day – this follows the concept of a healthy bowel moving around 30 minutes after each meal due to the peristalsis movement in the bowels caused by eating. When you are following a diet of mainly fruits and vegetables, especially in their raw form, you will notice a natural increase in bowel movements – this is an indication of optimum health.
From my perspective most everyone can benefit from Colon Cleansing, especially if you have any of the following symptoms:
Signs of candida overgrowth or parasite infestation; History of heavy dairy, meats, sugar intake, an acidic diet, and poor food combining indicate likely bowel impaction; Slow moving bowels - It's easy to assume that one bowel movement each day (or a few movements in the morning hours) indicates sufficient movement. But if you take in food three times a day or more, how does it follow that you should eliminate only once a day or less? Children with relaxed healthy systems usually have about three movements per day – this follows the concept of a healthy bowel moving around 30 minutes after each meal due to the peristalsis movement in the bowels caused by eating. When you are following a diet of mainly fruits and vegetables, especially in their raw form, you will notice a natural increase in bowel movements – this is an indication of optimum health.
A healthy diet will create a bowel movement approximately thirty minutes after you eat. It is important to move your bowels two-to-three times per day. If your bowels become sluggish, this will cause additional fermentation and putrefaction of your foods. We absorb these toxins and gas particles directly into our blood stream. This can cause headaches, cloudy or foggy thinking, bloating, abdominal pain, and even heart arrhythmias. (Dr. Morse - Detox Miracle Sourcebook)
As Old as Time
Colon cleansing and specifically the use of enemas, or Vati, is referred to in the Vedas, texts recorded in India over 5,000 years ago, and is still today an important part of Ayurvedic medicine. Accounts dating back to 1500 B.C. describe the use of colon flushing by the ancient Egyptians. References have also been made to enemas in other ancient texts, from the Babylonians and Assyrians in 600 B.C. to the Ancient Greeks, to Africans along the Ivory Coast in 500 A.D. The Essene Gospel of Peace, one of the lost biblical manuscripts discovered in caves along the shore of the Dead Sea between the years 1947 and 1956 written from about 200 B.C. to 68 C.E./A.D include information on methods of enemas and bowel cleansing.
In the Iris
The science of Iridology helps to prove the relation of the colon to reflex dis-ease, toxins and symptoms. As seen in the eye, the colon is a hub: each segment of the bowel with its intricate connections of circulation, lymph and nerves connect to specific reflex areas throughout the entire body. If one area of the colon is toxic, spastic or inflamed, the symptoms are not only found in the bowel itself, but also in the reflex area. Toxic conditions that exist in the bowel pollute the body through the blood stream. The colon is designed to serve as a reservoir from which the blood absorbs nutrients to circulate throughout the entire system. But when the colon is toxic, or impacted with fecal matter, poisons are distributed instead. (Jensen)
Signs in the Iris - the bowel area surrounds the stomach which is the circular area closest to the pupil. Darkening in that area, heavy congestion in the bowel wall, Sulphur accumulation indicated by orange discoloration and congestion, radii solaris, or a spastic or prolapsed colon all indicate toxic accumulation within the bowels. Seen also in the pupillary margin zone as the malabsorption ring – when nutrients are not absorbed and circulated one is not satisfied by food, feels hungry with incessant cravings and eats much more than necessary.
Signs in the Iris - the bowel area surrounds the stomach which is the circular area closest to the pupil. Darkening in that area, heavy congestion in the bowel wall, Sulphur accumulation indicated by orange discoloration and congestion, radii solaris, or a spastic or prolapsed colon all indicate toxic accumulation within the bowels. Seen also in the pupillary margin zone as the malabsorption ring – when nutrients are not absorbed and circulated one is not satisfied by food, feels hungry with incessant cravings and eats much more than necessary.
Guidelines for Success
I have followed several different colon cleanse protocol, all with varying, but similar results. The best results and largest amount of mucoid plaque I removed was in my one week juice fast in Costa Rica. We consumed copious amounts of tropical, fresh juices along with twice daily sessions in the colonic rooms; where we self-administered enemas. After each enema we would take a cleanse shake to bind the toxins in the colon that may have been released by the enema but not sufficiently flushed out. The shake also helped to pull out any toxins/mucoid plaque attached to the bowel wall that hadn’t yet been released into the blood stream. Although this cleanse was only one week (Most of my other experiences with colon cleansing were much longer, between 2 to 4 weeks) it was the most effective in removing mucoid plaque, and I also maintained a good balance of energy without experiencing anything more than mild detox reactions. Later along my journey I had the opportunity to assist in the program and witnessed similar results with this group. While we don’t always the opportunity to experience purification program on this level it’s helpful to note the elements of success that may be applied to any colon cleansing program:
Best Option - Liquids only – it’s important to give the digestive system a chance to rest. Juices, broths, and small amounts of blended smoothies and soups give the body the nutrients it needs while also conserving the energy it requires to release toxicity and begin to self- heal. While you are taking colon cleanse shakes (see recipe below) and administering enemas it helps to not have solid food in the digestive tract, otherwise the cleanse shake is not adhering to the bowel wall, rather attaching to the food in the system. I recommend transitioning into a liquids only diet by doing at least a month of raw fruits, greens, and juices.*
Next Best – Mostly fruit with the addition of green juices and fruit juices, vegetable broths and limited blended soups. If you are not feeling ready to follow liquids only then adding fruit into the diet is next best. Fruit is the most easily and quickly digested food, as well as providing fuel for the brain and entire body via fructose.*
*Whatever option you choose remember to follow proper food combining otherwise you will be adding fermentation and putrefaction to the stomach and bowels.
Cleanse Shakes: Apple juice or lemon water blended with psyllium and bentonite powders (see recipe below) pull plaque and toxic debris from the intestinal tract, binding and releasing, ensuring toxins don't get stuck in the colon and recirculated into the bloodstream.
Enemas: Daily or twice daily enemas – Enemas aid the system in flushing out toxins and toxic debris quickly and efficiently. Incorporating a round of professional colonics is also recommended but not necessary. Enemas and colonics are not required in order to have a successful bowel cleanse. If you cannot or do not wish to do these practices please consider adding in a small amount of Cascara Sagrada (see below) to your cleanse shake recipe. This will ensure the bowels stay moving.
Skin brushing: (on dry skin) with a loofah or skin brush. As the largest organ of elimination the skin needs to breathe in order to effectively eliminate toxins.
Movement: Yoga, tai chi, chi gong, pilates, walks in nature - all help to move the lymphatic system and assist in removing cellular toxins. Optimally movement routines will include working with exercising the breath and lungs, optimizing the capacity of the lungs to remove toxic gasses and chemicals.
Community: While it’s not always possible to cleanse in a group setting, if you can manage to do a purification program with a partner, a few friends or with a group it helps to share about what you’re experiencing, providing an added element of support.
Meditation: The spiritual and emotional aspects of cleansing the bowels can be tremendous. Spending time alone in a safe quiet setting, especially in nature, increases your presence and optimizes the letting-go process while ensuring forward movement on every level.
Best Option - Liquids only – it’s important to give the digestive system a chance to rest. Juices, broths, and small amounts of blended smoothies and soups give the body the nutrients it needs while also conserving the energy it requires to release toxicity and begin to self- heal. While you are taking colon cleanse shakes (see recipe below) and administering enemas it helps to not have solid food in the digestive tract, otherwise the cleanse shake is not adhering to the bowel wall, rather attaching to the food in the system. I recommend transitioning into a liquids only diet by doing at least a month of raw fruits, greens, and juices.*
Next Best – Mostly fruit with the addition of green juices and fruit juices, vegetable broths and limited blended soups. If you are not feeling ready to follow liquids only then adding fruit into the diet is next best. Fruit is the most easily and quickly digested food, as well as providing fuel for the brain and entire body via fructose.*
*Whatever option you choose remember to follow proper food combining otherwise you will be adding fermentation and putrefaction to the stomach and bowels.
Cleanse Shakes: Apple juice or lemon water blended with psyllium and bentonite powders (see recipe below) pull plaque and toxic debris from the intestinal tract, binding and releasing, ensuring toxins don't get stuck in the colon and recirculated into the bloodstream.
Enemas: Daily or twice daily enemas – Enemas aid the system in flushing out toxins and toxic debris quickly and efficiently. Incorporating a round of professional colonics is also recommended but not necessary. Enemas and colonics are not required in order to have a successful bowel cleanse. If you cannot or do not wish to do these practices please consider adding in a small amount of Cascara Sagrada (see below) to your cleanse shake recipe. This will ensure the bowels stay moving.
Skin brushing: (on dry skin) with a loofah or skin brush. As the largest organ of elimination the skin needs to breathe in order to effectively eliminate toxins.
Movement: Yoga, tai chi, chi gong, pilates, walks in nature - all help to move the lymphatic system and assist in removing cellular toxins. Optimally movement routines will include working with exercising the breath and lungs, optimizing the capacity of the lungs to remove toxic gasses and chemicals.
Community: While it’s not always possible to cleanse in a group setting, if you can manage to do a purification program with a partner, a few friends or with a group it helps to share about what you’re experiencing, providing an added element of support.
Meditation: The spiritual and emotional aspects of cleansing the bowels can be tremendous. Spending time alone in a safe quiet setting, especially in nature, increases your presence and optimizes the letting-go process while ensuring forward movement on every level.
DIY Colon Cleanse
Over the years I have used most all of the tried and true colon cleansing brands. (Arise & Shine, Blessed Herbs, Dr. Schultz...). I've learned that one of the best options (and most economical) is to mix up your own colon cleanse powder and take this once in the morning and once in the evening. (If you are doing a mild colon cleanse to supplement your detox program one time per day is adequate) The two most effective ingredients commonly used are psyllium husk and bentonite clay.
The ratio can vary slightly and it’s optimal to find what works best for you by experimenting with the amounts, but basically it’s anywhere from 3/1 to 4 /1 psyllium to bentonite ratio. Now—this is great place to start and if you want to modify the recipe, even better—keep this in mind: the function of the psyllium is to hydrate and move while the bentonite is used to draw, bind, and absorb. With this in mind you can make adjustments to the recipe according to your body. For example, if your bowels tend to move slowly you would use less clay and more psyllium, even adding in herbal powders such as Aloe to encourage more movement. On the other hand, if your bowels are more on the spastic side, and especially if they become too quickly moving during the cleanse you would want to back off the psyllium. One of the benefits of creating your own formula is that you can adjust it as the cleanse progresses.
Most colon cleansing programs on the market have 2 aspects, the powder "shake" (psyllium and bentonite) - the other is an herbal formula that ensures you are keeping the bowels moving. This is especially important if you are not doing enemas or colonics. The most active ingredient in these formulas is Cascara Sagrada. Cascara Sagrada powder is obtained from the bark of the Cascara Sagrada tree and is a powerful bowel mover. Some find it necessary to take a small amount of this herb to keep their bowels moving during cleansing, but as mentioned, if you are incorporating enemas or colonics into the program this shouldn't be necessary.
The ratio can vary slightly and it’s optimal to find what works best for you by experimenting with the amounts, but basically it’s anywhere from 3/1 to 4 /1 psyllium to bentonite ratio. Now—this is great place to start and if you want to modify the recipe, even better—keep this in mind: the function of the psyllium is to hydrate and move while the bentonite is used to draw, bind, and absorb. With this in mind you can make adjustments to the recipe according to your body. For example, if your bowels tend to move slowly you would use less clay and more psyllium, even adding in herbal powders such as Aloe to encourage more movement. On the other hand, if your bowels are more on the spastic side, and especially if they become too quickly moving during the cleanse you would want to back off the psyllium. One of the benefits of creating your own formula is that you can adjust it as the cleanse progresses.
Most colon cleansing programs on the market have 2 aspects, the powder "shake" (psyllium and bentonite) - the other is an herbal formula that ensures you are keeping the bowels moving. This is especially important if you are not doing enemas or colonics. The most active ingredient in these formulas is Cascara Sagrada. Cascara Sagrada powder is obtained from the bark of the Cascara Sagrada tree and is a powerful bowel mover. Some find it necessary to take a small amount of this herb to keep their bowels moving during cleansing, but as mentioned, if you are incorporating enemas or colonics into the program this shouldn't be necessary.
DIY Colon Cleanse Recipe
Suggested Recipe: Four parts Psyllium Husk powder, One part Bentonite Clay (optional - if you tend toward constipation you can either omit the clay or add Cascara Sagrada), Two parts Chickweed powder (optional), 1/4 part Cascara Sagrada (this may be adjusted, or you can purchase Cascara Sagrada Tincture.
Instructions: One tablespoon of powder per 6-8 ounces of water, lemon water, or apple juice, adjust to taste. Add powder to liquid and stir vigorously or optimally use a jar and shake to thoroughly mix product. Drink immediately after mixing, psyllium will begin to thicken quite quickly.
Instructions: One tablespoon of powder per 6-8 ounces of water, lemon water, or apple juice, adjust to taste. Add powder to liquid and stir vigorously or optimally use a jar and shake to thoroughly mix product. Drink immediately after mixing, psyllium will begin to thicken quite quickly.
Psyllium Husk – Harvested from the seeds and outer hull of Plantain, when mixed with water psyllium swells up, creating a slippery, gelatin-like substance; as it enters the digestive tract it adds bulk, increasing peristalsis, while also acting as a lubricant to help soften stools for easier elimination.
Bentonite Clay – Highly absorbent earthen clay, with a high concentration of minerals including silica, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and potassium; it absorbs and removes toxins, heavy metals, impurities, and chemicals from the bowel wall by binding to the toxins in the intestinal tract, and then passing them out with the feces.
Cascara Sagrada - 'Cascara sagrada is a large shrub found in the Pacific Northwest and western Canada. The plant was given its common name meaning “sacred bark” by Spanish missionaries who were awed after witnessing the herb’s effectiveness. Traditionally, Frangula purshiana was utilized by indigenous tribes for its healthful properties and as an occasional, mild laxative.' (Mt. Rose)
Chickweed - Chickweed is highly nutritious; calming and cooling the digestive tract and acting as a demulcent, soothing and adding moisture to the entire body. Chickweed is commonly used internally and externally for skin conditions as it cleanses the liver and reduces inflammation and skin irritation. Added to a bowel cleansing formula due to its nutritive, cooling properties, chickweed is especially useful in cases of malabsorption, gastritis, colitis, and other conditions related to inflammation.
DIY Colon Cleanse - Add-on's and Enhancements
The basic recipe for the colon cleanser is a great vehicle for additional healing herbal powders. Listed below are my top choices for add-on's to the mix, chosen due to their supportive function to the digestive system - however, the possibilities are endless depending on your healing objectives.
Aloe Vera - Used internally, Aloe powder heals ulcerations and inflammation of the G.I. Tract - benefits constipation. (More on Aloe here)
Nettle - Nettle is a supremely nutritive plant, contains a complete profile of amino acids, and benefits the kidneys and adrenal glands. (More on Nettle here)
Marshmallow Root - Marshmallow Root is a demulcent - high in mucilage; it coats and protects the stomach and bowels, neutralizes over-production of stomach acid, soothing and alkalizing the entire G.I. Tract.
Milk Thistle - Known as the great Liver Protector, Milk Thistle powder is Queen in toning, strengthening, and detoxifying the liver. Aiding in the regeneration of the Liver and Pancreas, Milk Thistle Powder increases the production and flow of bile while stimulating the formation of new liver cells.
Spiritual and Emotional Components to Colon Cleansing
The solar plexus is the seat of confidence and purpose; will power and joy for life. Manipura, in Sanskrit, translates to “The Resplendent or Lustrous Gem.” It is here in Manipura we rest in our center; knowing ourselves and owning our personal power. When we are fully embodied in Manipura we come from a place of centeredness in all situations, not stepping out for anything or anyone. We embody our light. We hold our ground. On the other hand, when we step away from our power and allow others to hold influence over our lives, or even just the moment – we allow them to use the energy of our Lustrous Gem to fulfill their own purpose. Embodiment of this center can resemble a “coming of age” in many traditions, a time when children become men and women, and begin to take the reins of their own lives.
The solar plexus is also an area that tends to have emotions shoved down into, as we move through life and are not able to process our own emotions and interactions this is where they get put. Empaths, especially, due to the overwhelming influx of others thoughts and emotions tend to take on and store unprocessed energies in this center.
As we cleanse our bowels, layer by layer; what has yet been seen – the memories, emotions, and experiences we were unable to fully process when experienced are released. This is a time for honoring, with love, what we have taken on that no longer serves in order to fully let go so we may move forward into embodiment of our true nature, the Resplendent Gem.
The solar plexus is also an area that tends to have emotions shoved down into, as we move through life and are not able to process our own emotions and interactions this is where they get put. Empaths, especially, due to the overwhelming influx of others thoughts and emotions tend to take on and store unprocessed energies in this center.
As we cleanse our bowels, layer by layer; what has yet been seen – the memories, emotions, and experiences we were unable to fully process when experienced are released. This is a time for honoring, with love, what we have taken on that no longer serves in order to fully let go so we may move forward into embodiment of our true nature, the Resplendent Gem.