Candida Detox
According to Anthony William, Medical Medium, "Candida is the most inappropriately maligned yeast of our time. We all have Candida, which is a beneficial fungus residing in the intestinal tract that aids food digestion and absorption. It’s possible to be virtually riddled with Candida and yet be perfectly healthy. There are people with extremely high levels of it who eat and drink whatever they want without a hint of fatigue or stomach upset. Candida by itself is typically harmless. What isn’t yet fully understood by medical communities is that Candida is a frequent companion, or cofactor, of other diseases and organisms. These include Lyme disease, shingles, EBV, herpes, C. difficile, Streptococcus, H. pylori, diabetes, MS, HHV-6, cytomegalovirus, and many more."
Candida has been misdiagnosed as the cause behind major medical problems for hundreds of thousands of patients yearly. The truth is Candida plays a role in serious health issues for less than 0.1 percent of the populations of the U.S. and Europe combined. In the less than 0.1 percent of cases in which Candida is doing notable harm and requires treatment, the out-of-control fungus will typically create a moderate-to-high fever that can become chronic and long term, ranging from weeks to months. Clinical blood work will also show the high levels of Candida in the bloodstream. These true cases of Candida are typically due to postsurgical complications, and there’s almost always a rampant bacterial infection at the same time. If a doctor tells you that your symptoms are from Candida, the odds are enormous that she or he is mistaken. Anthony William, Medical Medium
Heal Candida by Addressing the Root Cause
Heal Candida by addressing the root cause.